Ob mit Instagram-Strategie, Community Monitoring auf Facebook oder einfach nur Memes: Wir helfen Vereinen, Gewerkschaften und anderen Akteuren aus dem NGO und Non-Profit-Bereich dabei, Reichweiten zu steigern und neue Zielgruppen zu erreichen.


Which channels do you really need? How do you deal with criticism and insults? What are your rules for community management? We are also happy to advise you on agenda-setting and agenda-surfing.


We tailor campaigns precisely to individual social media channels. For this purpose we develop Facebook apps, Meme-Generators or Hashtag campaigns.

Social-Media-Marketing (SMM)

We create media plans to increase reach and address specific target groups. We design effective advertising formats based on continuous testing and optimization of reach.

Editorial content

We optimize posts, create sharepics and define what is possible in the context of your content strategy.

Workflow optimization

A uniform content strategy requires bridges between website and social media staff. We develop workflows and technical solutions so the whole organization speaks with one voice.


ver.di Youth Collectively Unstoppable

Together, unmistakable and unstoppable! With UNSTOPPBAR, wegewerk is realising the new collective bargaining campaign of ver.di Jugend. The duration of the campaign: UNlimited.

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Debating Chatbot

For those who don't want to simply leave the debate columns to populism: Chatbot e-Bert helps arguing for a strong Europe.

Technische Universität München Erklärfilme und Podcast für das Clearing House Unterricht

Die TU München vermittelt zwischen Bildungsforschung und Bildungspraxis. Wie genau, das zeigen unsere Erklärfilme und Podcasts.