
In preparation for a relaunch, we offer structuring workshops in which we rearrange the website on the basis of traffic and benchmark analyses and discuss navigational design.

Information architecture

Based on requirements, sitemap and user stories we lay out digital projects in wireframes, which we coordinate with our customers. The wireframes subsequently form the basis for the design.

Copy and creation

The copy, claims and creative messages required for campaigns are developed by our design and copywriting teams. Naturally, we also offer joint creation workshops with our clients.


As part of a content strategy, we also offer editorial recommendations on formatting, text lengths, language regulations and media formats including sample texts.


For commercials and informational videos we develop the idea, supply text, sound track (from our own recording chamber) and coordinate the film production.

Outdoor actions

We develop and execute eye-catching campaign ideas: From guerrilla marketing to the use of actors in front of company headquarters to the organisation of demonstrations and infomobile tours.


IHK Die Kampagne gegen Schlangestehen

Berlins Verwaltung braucht dringend frischen Wind. Für die IHK Berlin schuf wegewerk eine stadtweite Aufmerksamkeitskampagne mit Plakaten, Onlinekommunikation, Printprodukten und mehr. Das Medienecho ist groß und die Reaktion aus der Politik folgt wenige Monate später.

Zentrum für Osteuropa- und internationale Studien (ZOiS) Corporate Design und Website

The compass points east: logo design, corporate design, print material and a lean TYPO3 website including Rapidmail newsletter for the Centre for Eastern European and International Studies (ZOiS).

Smartphone, tablet and screen with accessed website

Federal State of Brandenburg Image campaign for EU funds

Award-winning 360° image campaign "Also quite nice" for the work of the EU funds ERDF, ESF and EAFRD in the state of Brandenburg.

eventmanagement on all devices with a CMS-eventmanagement tool

German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) Campaign for a transition to renewable energy.

For the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE), we developed a campaign concept including action planning. (BEE), we developed a campaign concept including action planning that makes the fatal consequences of nuclear and fossil fuels visible.

Kiel Institute for the World Economy Relaunch of the Kiel Institute: Structured Research.

Our website for the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) makes multi-layered content easy to navigate. The site acts as an information network for researchers and interested parties. This means that nothing stands in the way of disseminating good economic forecasts.