ver.di youth pools the interests of young people who are in training, studying or doing an internship and campaigns for their interests. Its members take a united stand against employers and are therefore loud and present. Their main concerns are better conditions in training, such as permanent employment, higher pay or paid overtime. wegewerk is looking forward to organising ver.di Jugend's collective bargaining campaign as an umbrella campaign for the upcoming collective bargaining rounds.

A loud campaign claim

After a strong last collective bargaining campaign by wegewerk, ver.di youth was faced with the challenge of generating enthusiasm with the new campaign and building on its successes. Therefore, a penetrating claim with clear imagery was needed. ‘UNSTOPPBAR’ is the campaign claim and the word and figurative mark, which were convincing. It emphasises the ‘we’. A ‘we’ that stands together in collective bargaining and industrial action. UNSTOPPBAR is not only connectable, but also modular. The variations of the word are used according to the formula For example, a fair wage is UNVERZICHTBAR, racist statements are UNFASSBAR or the work of the members is UNERSETZBAR and much more. The campaign can be expanded using the un...-words and is emphasised by a striking graphic implementation.

Graphic elements in motion

The logo picks up on the modular approach of the central idea. The classic ver.di cube is used as a building block to assemble the claim. The building blocks show strength, but are not rigid and rigid, but flexible and always different - just like the active ver.di youth. The design is complemented by dynamic graphic elements that express the energy of the campaign, as well as pixel icons that are not only modular, but also emphasise the digital focus of the collective bargaining campaign.

Numerous tools and products were created so that the campaign and its building blocks can be used individually for different collective bargaining rounds and their phases. Collective bargaining is now also conducted digitally, which is why we have created a homepage, social media templates, logos and style guides. Nevertheless, industrial action is still street fighting. That's why we support the visibility of the campaign with banners, strike waistcoats and merchandise. The actions are supported by giant inflatable cubes that continue the guideline.