Misereor campaigns worldwide for decent living conditions in areas affected by globalisation effects, climate disasters and conflicts. The campaign "Stop Coal Globally!" launched in September 2018 puts the German coal phase-out in an international context. Because the end of coal production in Germany is not synonymous with the end of coal burning. The massive import of coal to compensate for the closure of hard coal mines prompts Misereor to call for a "complete phase-out of coal-fired power generation and the end of all coal imports to Germany".
The campaign puts pressure on the members of the currently appointed Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment (in short: Coal Commission) and passes on knowledge about the coal phase-out to the population. wegewerk accompanies Misereor in the campaign with conception, action planning and implementation.
9 powerful arguments.
To support these demands, we have worked with Misereor to develop and design a set of arguments for a real coal phase-out. The nine arguments for a complete phase-out of the coal industry address, among others, the following topics:
- Tax privileges for opencast lignite mines and power plants,
- exemptions and the follow-up costs of state support,
- the import of 50 million tonnes of hard coal annually from the global South to compensate for the closure of hard coal mines in Germany,
- the inhumane conditions in the mining areas in the global South.
Mail for the Coal Commission.
Following on from this, an e-card tool was integrated into the existing Misereor website as an iframe to draw the attention of the members of the Coal Commission to the consequences of an inconsistent coal policy for people and the climate. The tool can be accessed on the "Stop coal globally! landing page via www.kohlestopp-global.de.
The campaign will accompany the work of the so-called coal mission until the final paper is available. In addition to a poster line, materials for demonstrations and street actions have been created for this purpose.