GermanZero e.V. Strong communication: New business stationery

Climate neutrality by 2035, no ifs, ands or buts: GermanZero e.V. fights for Germany to stand by its promises in the Paris Climate Agreement. New business stationery gives the association's communication a new visual edge.

The new business stationery increases the recognition value of GermanZero...

... and gives the association's communication a more consistent visual language.

In addition, we have designed templates for presentations, one-pagers and topic dossiers.
If the global population were to miss the 1.5 degree limit by even 0.5 degrees, the consequences would be fatal: crucial tipping points of the climate system would be reached, and the resulting self-reinforcing climate change would probably be unstoppable. The association GermanZero e.V. is therefore fighting all the more vehemently to make Germany climate-neutral by 2035.
Document templates from one-pager to topic dossier.
wegewerk developed new business stationery for the non-partisan and independent association. Taking into account the already existing corporate design of GermanZero, we designed various document templates - from presentation templates to one-pagers to a template for thematic dossiers. This ensures the recognition value of the association on all levels.