Being safe on the Internet without catching malware or falling for princes giving away diamonds - that is now taken for granted by the majority of the German population. However, there are still many people who are very unsure about using the internet or have never even been there: These so-called offliners made up a full five percent of the total German population in 2019. The association Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V. (DSIN), founded in 2006, wants to change that. (DSIN) wants to change that. With advisory and learning services, companies and consumers are to be supported in developing a safer approach to the internet.

Basic digital knowledge made simple.

wegewerk has now developed a tool for the DSIN that is specifically designed to support absolute beginners and people who teach media skills: The Cyberfibel is a foundational work that functions as a textbook, syllabus and teaching platform at the same time and gives knowledge multipliers such as adult education teachers orientation in their educational work. It shows users what is possible on the internet and teaches the skills needed to use it safely.
The cyberfibel is available both as a digital online portal and as an analogue print edition. Both versions go hand in hand and are linked via a practical code system: Each printed page of the primer has a four-digit web code that can be entered in the online portal and leads to the digital counterpart of the page with further information.

Digital and print editions go hand in hand.

To ensure that the cyberfibel can also be used by people who have no experience at all with the internet, it has a simple, intuitively understandable navigation structure supported by clever and expressive design. The contents of the primer are divided into two large sections that can be explored via different thematic pages. With the help of different stations, the users are guided through the topics and can test their newly acquired knowledge in exercises.

The print version of the cyberfibel is over 250 pages long and conveys basic knowledge about digital life in a total of ten chapters, supplemented by two extensive glossaries and over 50 illustrations. The primer is bound in a practical fold-out folder so that individual pages can also be taken along on the go. wegewerk carried out the conception, design and implementation of the print edition and the online portal.