As the supervisory authority, the 14 state media authorities in Germany ensure the diversity of opinions, offerings and providers in private broadcasting and telemedia. They work on key issues in joint commissions under the umbrella brand “die medienanstalten”. wegewerk was commissioned to relaunch the website for the medienanstalten following a lengthy period of support.

The website consists of a multi-domain instance and combines the websites of the KEK (Commission for Determining Concentration in the Media Sector), the KJM (Commission for the Protection of Minors in the Media), the ZAK (Commission for Licensing and Supervision) and the GKV (Conference of Committee Chairmen). We have adopted the composition of the bodies with the relaunch. The aim was to create a website with an optimized structure and user guidance.

Further development of the multi-domain instance

In addition to the technical relaunch to the TYPO3 13 version, a new appearance with clear navigation was created. To do this, we investigated which topics are frequently searched for on the website and which content is less intuitive to access. As a result, wegewerk has created a new structure that gets users to their destination quickly. We have streamlined the navigation and clearly separated the various instances. While the instances have been divided into clearly distinguishable websites, we have further standardized the corporate design. With selected graphics, uniform fonts and a new design of the content elements, we have achieved a modern and clear design.

Interactive graphics optimize the user experience

To guide users quickly to the topics they are looking for, we have added the option of tagging by category in the search function. Cookie-less tracking should be used for optimized usability. We therefore implemented cookie management on a revocation basis. Another concern was the integration of interactive graphics. We integrated these in compliance with data protection regulations so that content can be displayed directly.

Within nine months, a website was created that has become significantly more modern and clear.