Deutscher HebammenVerband e.V. 360-degree campaign "Our midwives"

Agenda-setting campaign that has successfully addressed gaps in care, liability issues and midwives' working conditions since 2014.

City Light Poster at Berlin main station

Large spaces were placed at free sites throughout Germany

The German Midwives Association (Deutscher HebammenVerband e.V.) represents over 18,000 midwives, both freelance and working in clinics. In the summer of 2014, wegewerk was commissioned with the conception and implementation of an agenda-setting campaign to raise awareness among a broad public about the lack of comprehensive midwifery care, as well as the liability issue and the deterioration of midwives' working conditions.
On the one hand, it was strategically challenging to again position the issue as urgent with an impact on the public, after the liability problem had already had a high presence in the media a few months earlier. On the other hand, the campaign was to stand out from previous messages and well-known clichés.
What is the value of a midwife? In the image video of the German Midwives Association (DHV). (DHV), those who need to know have their say: Parents.
How valuable is she to you?
wegewerk developed a 360-degree campaign that works equally well via the responsive campaign website, in social media channels, on billboards in surgeries and clinics as well as in targeted on-site campaigns, thus ensuring a comprehensive presence.

A high degree of recognition is not only ensured by the striking visuals. Central is the unusual claim "Born with the help of my midwife", which can be placed next to authentic testimonials of any age and succinctly reminds us that the topic concerns everyone: we all need our midwives. In the "Show your face" section of the campaign website, users can upload their own pictures and have them branded as testimonial images. The oldest supporter is currently 95 years old.

wegewerk provided the complete conception of the campaign and implemented it in various modules with consistent visual design. The core of the online campaign is the campaign website based on ww.edit, which can be accessed on stationary and mobile devices thanks to its responsive design, as well as the creation of a new Facebook channel. Flyers and posters provide offline presence; in addition, postcards, balloons and buttons were produced as give-aways. Heavily enlarged versions of the badges were used as key visuals for various campaigns in public spaces (e.g. in front of the Federal Chancellery).

Germany tour in the election year 2017
During the 2017 federal election campaign, the DHV campaign bus travelled throughout Germany, stopping in every federal state.
The midwives took their messages to the country and curious and committed people were able to talk to the DHV teams on site. wegewerk created the appropriate campaign material: from the bus design to the stand concept including giveaways to appealing information material.