Association of German Rural Youth Website Relaunch

As the youth organisation of the German Farmers' Association, the Bund der Deutschen Landjugend e.V. wants one thing above all: to maintain and promote rural areas as an attractive place to live and work for young people. The organisation's new website impresses with its fresh design, clever structure and practical features.

Fresh design and a new structure: The new BDL website.

The new website has an event scheduling system.

A practical map function provides an overview of the individual BDL regional associations.
To ensure that young people are not drawn to the city, rural areas must continue to offer attractive opportunities to organise leisure and working life. Creating and maintaining prospects for young people to live and stay is therefore the top priority of the Bund der deutschen Landjugend e.V.. As a federal organisation of 18 state associations, the BDL makes policy for precisely this purpose - both in the localities themselves and at federal level.
A modern representation for a modern organisation.
As part of a relaunch, wegewerk has now developed a new website that supports the BDL with a fresh design, a new structure and practical features to represent young people in the countryside and help shape rural life. For example, the new website has a central diary that provides information about events organised by the individual regional associations, a protected area for members and a dedicated press area where logos, publications and positions can be downloaded.