Alliance 90 / The Greens in the State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg At home in the greens - the new website of the Green parliamentary group.
Based on the TYPO3 platform, which is also used by the parliamentary group of the German Bundestag, the parliamentary group of Alliance 90/The Greens in the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg commissioned us with the relaunch of their website.

The event pages provide all the important information about an event in various tabs. In addition, events can be transferred to your own diary via a QR code.

All articles can be compiled on the homepage. The slider is used for current news.

On the MP pages, all information on the members of the Landtag is automatically compiled. In addition, the Facebook stream of the individual MPs was integrated in a data protection-compliant manner.
Since 2011, Alliance 90/The Greens have been the largest government faction in Baden-Württemberg and, with Winfried Kretschmann, the first Green Minister President of a federal state.
In order to be able to document the work of the government group clearly on the website in the future, wegewerk was commissioned to relaunch the existing website in 2012.
The aim of the new website was to increase the proportion of images and to reduce the maintenance effort by automatically outputting content in several places on the website. The new design should also open up new possibilities for visualising content in an appealing way.
The new website was implemented in CMS TYPO3. The extended media management enables the easy integration of videos into the CMS. The graphic output of the website, in particular the structuring of the individual elements, takes into account the screen size of the receiving end device. This so-called Responsive Design means that no separate website needs to be created for smartphones or tablets.
The data protection-compliant integration of social media functions, especially on the MP pages, also allows the transport of content from the social networks.