We prepare the way for change - with well packed contents and efficient delivery.

wegewerk: The one-stop shop for campaigns
We see digitisation as an opportunity: never before has the potential been so great for public actors to enter into productive dialogues with their target groups, with the help of tailor-made content. Our trick: We don't think in terms of individual disciplines, but rather understand campaigns as dynamic networks of message, design, and technology. For us, 360 degrees means: advertising and web, strategy and giveaway, technology and wording- all from a single source. Our team consists of generalists who understand your campaign as a whole - from strategic planning to the creation of messages, designs, and technical solutions to success analysis. This is how your message gets across.
Our vision: Restoring a public sphere
The public is changing. In the USA, 70 percent of the public already obtain political information primarily via social media. This trend threatens to divide the public, because social media services (unlike journalists) distinguish between relevant and unimportant. This creates echo chambers and postfactual parallel realities - the breeding ground for Brexit, Trump, and Salvini. Our claim to contemporary agenda building is to understand these processes, and to counteract fragmentation. We want to contribute to making the Internet a free and open marketplace of opinions again.

Bridges, not walls
We do not share the fears of other operators in the face of challenges. On the contrary, challenges encourage us to find new, stronger ways forwards. Together with our clients, we work to build trust in the network world and build bridges to unexplored segments of the public. Good arguments still work - if they are coupled with innovative strategies, emotional content, and smart use of technology and media. Packaging politics and social communication in such a way that it transcends borders - instead of erecting new ones - is the challenge of contemporary campaigns. And that's what we do.
Our mission principle: sustainability
Superficial and short-term solutions are not our thing. We work sustainably - this applies to your campaigns as well as our own use of resources. In concrete terms, this means that we work in a climate-neutral manner at all levels; we practice consistent recycling and pay attention to energy efficiency with external service providers. Sustainability at wegewerk also means we avoid fluctuation in the team and keep good employees. In terms of consulting, our "no bullshit" principle applies: we do not sell our customers anything that does not benefit them in the long term.

wegewerk – Communication of tomorrow
We don't mourn the "good old days", when social communication mainly meant being on your side with as many journalists as possible. Because despite all the challenges of the digital revolution, we are still enthusiastic about the potential of the Internet - and we also know where and when printing is still the best choice. An outstanding team, good ideas, and customers who have something to say to the world can move mountains together. This is not an oracle, but our years of experience.